Physicists describe the universe as space filled with matter and energy, which appears as vibrations or waves of light and sound. The universe is full of colour, light and sound. Our physical body and personal energy field can be thought of in much the same way. Physically we are made up of matter and our invisible energy field can be perceived as vibrations, colours, shapes and sounds. If you have ever felt physically wounded by events or words, your energy field is responding to the vibrations of sound and thought.
Energy Healing
In its simplest form, energy or spiritual healing is the practice of channelling energy (the universal life force) by placing the hands just above the body (or lightly touching it) while observing the colours, shapes and patterns of the aura. A healer channels energy in order to boost, balance and cleanse the subtle energies of the physical body. Using breathing, visualisation and energy techniques, a healer works to bring stillness, calm, perspective and understanding.
Aligned with the spine, there are seven coloured energy centres or spheres of light within the body. These are known as the chakras. Starting at the base, the colours (from the light spectrum of white) are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. In fact, the colours can be seen as bands of light extending out from the body and this is the personal energy field or ‘aura’. The aura extends out from the physical body like a big imprint or outline of the human shape.
Each chakra has energetic qualities which are associated with particular emotions and your physical body (chakras correlate to nearby internal organs). For example, the heart chakra is said to influence the lungs as well as the heart. Different abilities and issues are also linked to each chakra. The base or root chakra is typically associated with support, connection and grounding, whereas the throat is about expression, truth and clarity. Creativity is said to flow from the second or sacral chakra, confidence and self-worth from the stomach and wisdom from the crown. Meditating on the chakras can help to bring balance between the mind, body and spirit.