My approach
Colour, Thought, Touch
Before a session, I set time aside to ‘tune in’ and observe your energy field. I might ask you questions about what I have seen. Then, either in person or remotely, I channel energy to where it is required. I might see a mixture of colours or darker shades where the chakras should be bright, and blockages or flow in certain areas of the body indicating issues to work on. I also use crystals in my work to amplify the healing energies. I report my findings to you and discuss things to think about and practical action that might be taken.
An in-person session will involve an introductory chat, some breathing techniques and visualisation work before the healing itself. Relaxation is key and you will learn to deepen your breathing and follow visualisations. These techniques can help combat stress and release tension in the mind and body.
A session will focus on healing, but I also teach simple techniques to give clients tools to use at home for relaxation and self-healing. I believe everyone has the ability to sense the energies themselves. I teach:
Abdominal breathing
Relaxation using visualisations and meditation
Chakric work
An in person session will typically last 1 hour and 15 or 30 minutes. A Zoom session is 1 hour and 15 minutes and a fully ‘remote’ session is 45 minutes with an email report or short follow up telephone chat.
In Person - Zoom - Distance/Remote
FEES - £65 for an in-person session / £50 for a Zoom session / £35 for a remote session
“Ginny has an uncanny ability and insight to lead you to the nub of what is troubling you. You may recognise what comes up and might have just needed a guiding hand to lead you there, or sometimes it is something unexpected. Either way I find Ginny's knowledge and healing help invaluable.”